The following people are now eligible for a booster shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, if they received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago:
- People 65 or older
- People 18 to 64 and either have an underlying medical condition or a higher risk of COVID-19 exposure due to their job (for example, health care workers) or where they live or frequently visit (for example, a homeless shelter)
- People living in a nursing home or other long-term care facility

You will only be able to get a Pfizer booster shot if you received a second Pfizer dose at least six months ago. There are no exceptions to this restriction.
This shot is intended to help many people boost their immunity from the initial vaccination series, which may have decreased over time.
Third Doses for People with Weakened Immune System
Who is eligible for a third dose?
People who are age 12 or older, have a condition or are taking medications or treatments that moderately or severely weakens their immune system, and got either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine are eligible for a third dose.

Examples of conditions and treatments include:
• Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency
• Advanced or untreated HIV
• Getting active treatment for cancer
• Getting active treatment with a high dose of corticosteroids or other drugs that moderately or severely weaken the immune system
• Have received an organ transplant and are taking immunosuppressive therapy
• Have received a stem cell transplant within the past two years
This is not a complete list. The recommendation for a third dose is for people who have conditions like those listed above but not for most people with medical conditions such as diabetes or heart or lung disease.
This shot is intended to help a small number of people who may not have had sufficient immunity from the first two shots. People who receive this shot may also be eligible to later receive a booster shot.

Please share the information with your friends, family and networks.