Sauti Yetu Center for African Women and Families, a non-profit organization in the Bronx, is participating in a NYC Fall Citizenship Drive organized by the NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigration Affairs, along with several other organizations. The citizenship drive aims to provide 2,000 immigrant New Yorkers with naturalization eligibility screenings, and at least 900 people with citizenship application assistance.
Sauti Yetu’s Legal Services Department will be conducting FREE legal screenings for individuals of all backgrounds who may eligible to apply for Naturalization to become U.S. Citizens.These screenings will take place from October 1st through December 31st, 2021 and can be done over the phone or in person at one of our offices in the Bronx or Staten Island.

You may be eligible to apply for Citizenship if you at least meet the following requirements:
1. You are currently a Lawful Permanent Resident of the U.S. (LPR)
(you have a valid green card) who is at least 18 years old; and
2. You obtained your green card based on marriage to a U.S. Citizen and you have had a green card for 3 or more years; OR
3. You obtained your green card through a different way and you have had your green card for 5 or more years.
If you are a Lawful Permanent Resident of the U.S. (green card holder), believe you’re eligible and are interested in applying for Citizenship, please contact the Legal Department at Sauti Yetu at nchisty@sautiyetu.us or call (718) 665-2486 and ask for Natasha or Helene to set up a legal screening appointment. You can also call Natasha directly on her cellular phone at (516) 647-2398.

Sauti Yetu is thrilled to join the Mayor’s Office in this initiative to help eligible immigrants pursue citizenship as it perfectly aligns with Sauti Yetu’s mission to empower the immigrant community, particularly African immigrant women and families. Many U.S. lawful permanent residents (LPRs) lack the knowledge, resources and assistance to apply for naturalization and we believe this collaboration with the Mayor’s Office will make such support and information more accessible to immigrants all over New York City. We look forward to helping as many people as possible through this initiative. Please reach out to us if you need our help and spread the word!