New York City’s first Golden Corral, which is located in the Bronx, is now operating at 100% and as a traditional Golden Corral buffet. We are currently hiring and looking for approximately 60 individuals from the Community to join our team.

We have an open house event on Friday July 16th, 2021 from 9am-11am. We ask that all applicants bring a resume, a completed application (available for download at www.bronxgoldencorral.com), and be prepared to interview.
Click on this link to fill out the application https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57f7f5fd3e00bea94ad2edc3/t/5fa196212a6f70413abb6c6a/1604425250715/Download-Golden-Corral-Job-Application-2.pdf
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