Housing clinic workshop on July 11, 2021

On Sunday Jul 11, 2021 Africans Help Desk in partnership with Bronx Works, organized one of the largest Legal Clinic on Housing in the Bronx, as there were over 100 community members, mostly African, who attended the clinic.

The Clinic, which was organized by Africans Help Desk, aimed to assist the community, especially those who are experiencing problems with their rent, utilities, and other essential services, with the proper information as well as support to receive the help they need, especially with the Emergency Rent Assistance Program (ERAP), part of the New York State budget of 2.1 Billion Dollars set aside to help pay up to one year of rent for those who qualify.

Many community members who had registered for the morning session, (over 60 percent of the 150 total registered) slated at 11 AM, started lining up by 10 AM. And the Bronx Works lead attorney Arturo Lopez, was there to greet them and check them in and seat them according to when they arrived.

By 11 AM sharp, the clinic had started, and community members were being ushered individually up to the third floor, where they met with lawyers and staff members to masses their needs, take their documents, and set up appointments. This was done to ensure privacy and confidentiality, as we promised in our promos to the community.

For those who had challenges with the English language, Africans Help Desk staff was there to assist with interpretation in GA, Hausa or Twi. BronxWorks also provided an interpreter in French.

One of the highlights of the day was the distribution of winter coats for adults and children, as well sanitizers and face masks.

On behalf of the management of Africans Help Desk, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to Scott Auwarter, Deputy Director of Bronx Works, Arturo Lopez, Head of the Legal Department, Jordan Dewbre, the Housing Lawyer at Bronx Works, and all the staff of Bronx Works for their support.

We also thank the community members for their participation. This clinic made us realize how much need there is in the community, especially when it comes to shelter. In fact, people were calling trying to register while the clinic was going on. Unfortunately, we could not accommodate them, as time was limited.

We would do our best to organize another clinic as soon as possible, so that those who wanted to attend, and could not make it, can also take advantage. In the meantime,please go to our website www.africanshelpdesk.com for more information, and fill out our service request form.


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