Do you know when to get tested for Covid 19?

Everyone should get tested:

  • Immediately if you have symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Five days after having close contact (being within 6 feet for at least 10 minutes over a 24-hour period) with someone while they had COVID-19.
  • Before and after attending a gathering, especially if you and others are not fully vaccinated, or are at risk of severe COVID-19.
  • Three to five days following travel.

People who have frequent in-person contact with others and are not fully vaccinated should consider getting tested weekly. This is especially true for people in close contact with others who are not wearing masks indoors.

People who are vaccinated should still get tested. The COVID-19 vaccines cannot cause you to test positive.

Retesting After a Positive Diagnostic Test

If you recently recovered from COVID-19, you should not get retested for COVID-19 for at least three months after your symptoms began or, if you had no symptoms, from the date you were tested. You may continue to test positive for COVID-19, even though you are no longer contagious. If you develop new symptoms, talk to your health care provider.

Types of Tests

There are several different types of tests, with some more reliable than others or providing different types of information. Your health care provider can help you decide which type of test is best for you based on the reason for testing, such as recent exposure, presence of symptoms or periodic testing.

After a Test

If you test positive for COVID-19 through a diagnostic test, immediately separate yourself from others and contact your health care provider.

The NYC Test & Trace Corps can help you and your close contacts prevent the spread of the virus. If you cannot safely separate at home, you and those you may have exposed to the virus can qualify for a free hotel room.

You should stay isolated until all of the following are true:

  • It has been at least 10 days since:
    • You started having symptoms or
    • The date you were tested (if you did not have symptoms)
  • You have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without taking fever and pain-reducing medicines, such as Advil, Motrin, Tylenol or aspirin
  • Your overall illness has improved

If you develop trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in your chest, confusion, inability to stay awake, bluish lips or face, or any other emergency condition, call 911 immediately.

Click here to find a testing site


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