- COVID-19 can make children and teens of any age very sick and sometimes requires treatment in a hospital.
- Help protect children ages 5 years and older, especially from severe disease, hospitalization, or death by getting them vaccinated against COVID-19.

Getting eligible children and teens vaccinated against COVID-19 can help keep them:
- From getting really sick if they do get COVID-19
- In school or daycare
- Safely participating in sports, playdates, and other group activities
Impact of COVID-19 in Children and Teens
Just like adults, children and teens can:
- Get very sick from COVID-19
- Have both short- and long-term health problems
- Spread COVID-19 to others, including at home and school

There is no way to tell in advance how children or teens will be affected by COVID-19. However, those with underlying medical conditions or who have a weakened immune system are more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19. Some examples of conditions that can make children more likely to get severe COVID-19 include:
- Asthma or chronic lung disease
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Sickle cell disease
Those without underlying medical conditions can also experience severe illness. In fact, almost half of children younger than 18 years old hospitalized with COVID-19 have no underlying conditions.
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